I don't want to be insensitive, but I am getting really excited for this baby. With so many friends who've lost babies, I'm trying to keep it low-key on FB, at least for the time being.
But tomorrow is the birth class!! I'm so excited! This is really happening, to me, very soon. Nanook could be here safely in as few as three weeks. Three weeks! I have nearly everything we need for her, but we still need to get our birth supplies (and figure out what all we're going to need for that anyway) and post partum stuff. I think I'll be taking input and advice on that pretty soon.
We move into our new place on the 27th, so I've started planning out how I want to arrange our beds, what color I want to paint, where we'll set up random baby gear (swing, glider, etc), and where we'll set up our birthing space.
Hubby still isn't 100% signed on to the homebirth. He CERTAINLY doesn't want anything to do with the hosp, but in his mind the birth center feels safer. There's really no difference in safety, and he readily admits that, so it's strictly a visceral thing, but it's there nonetheless. He has, however, admitted that my gut feeling is a teensy bit more important than his when it comes to this, so I get to make the final call. And I call: homebirth.
This is happening soon. Soon she'll come out and visit. I really have to stop thinking about the three week minimum though because she's much more likely to come in 7 weeks. Still, that's soon, and I have a lot to do.
I've been waiting this WHOLE pregnancy to move into this dumb apartment and once we finally do, I'll probably be way too tired to do everything I want to. Ah well. Maybe I'll ask to work fewer hours so I can nest more.
I'm going to try to sleep again. Now that it's finally dark(-ish), maybe I can get back to sleep. I was sleeping wonderfully and then the smoke alarm started going off. Mirus eventually had to go get a new battery (made it to the store just before it closed) and by the time we got it to shut up I was wide awake. It was just too light out to sleep. But, for the first time since we moved up here, it's too dark to read outside. It's like a real nighttime!
Something tells me that in about 6 months, I'll hate the darkness.
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