Tuesday, July 28, 2009

When Person A lies to Person B, and I know about the lie, I feel obligated to clarify and tell Person B that he or she is being lied to. If I don't, I feel complicit in the lie.

If, however, I do explain the lie, I look like I'm starting/stirring/adding to drama. Or tattling. Or something. And it doesn't look good.

Complicit liar or agitator? Not good options.

On the upside, this has basically been the best day ever. We have a home. It's fantastic. Great porch (very 'Alaska'), open first floor, big windows, an arctic entryway (known in the midwest as a mudroom), counterspace in the kitchen (a first for us), cabinet space in the kitchen (again, a first), lots of closets, brand new carpet, fresh paint (we currently have all the doors and windows open trying to air it out), a great room to share with Nanook, a great space to birth in, and a WASHER and DRYER! That's right, no more quarter stashing for us! We have our own washer and dryer. And we didn't even have to buy them. We win.

The porch looks out through some very tall trees to a big open field, and there's a playground about 50 feet from our door. Picnic tables abound, and next to most doors are kids bikes and little red wagons. This is definitely family housing. Oh, it's also dirt cheap. Score.

Did I mention we now have cable? The whole time we've been married, we've been too cheap to pay for cable. After a few months, we realized how glad we were NOT to be indebted to the boob tube and how much we enjoy doing other things. Any other things. Just not sitting watching TV. I'm a little nervous that the temptation might be too much, and we'll just sit here day in and day out staring at it.

I'm going to go keep working on the crib, sorting baby stuff, washing diapers, and letting my nesting instinct go crazy. After holding it in for nearly 9 months, it feels GOOD to let go.

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