Thursday, June 4, 2009

28 week visit

This was my last visit on the monthly schedule. After this I go in every two weeks. I'm really in my third trimester, no matter how surreal it sounds.

Today she was measuring about a week ahead, heartbeat in the 140's and she's positioned head down, with her back coming up along my right side, bottom under my left ribs, legs down toward her face. Everything still looks great, and my weight gain has slowed. This midwife said she didn't care if my numbers had been larger before as long as I was eating well. I'm a big fan of that philosophy. I feel healthy, I think I'm eating pretty well, and you can see in the video that I'm still wearing my pre-preggo jeans. So it's hard to feel guilty or bad about gaining weight.

The midwives here are great. Everyone we spoke to at the birth center was really wonderful and nice. One of the midwives even mentioned arranging some meetings with a few other mothers to make sure that we had adequate social and emotional support for after birth. She said that especially after a move it's important to avoid feeling isolated, so she wanted to make sure we didn't reach that point. Fairbanks people are the best!

And now I should get to working.

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